SMS Marketing Statistics By Effectiveness, Sales, Regions And Benefits

Barry Elad
Written by
Barry Elad

Updated · Aug 21, 2024

Saisuman Revankar
Edited by
Saisuman Revankar


SMS Marketing Statistics By Effectiveness, Sales, Regions And Benefits


SMS Marketing Statistics: With mobile marketing on the rise, it’s no wonder SMS marketing is becoming more popular among businesses. SMS, which stands for short message service, is a key part of mobile and text message marketing. This tool helps you boost brand awareness, engage with customers, and increase sales. It lets e-commerce marketers build a stronger relationship with their customers and connect with them more personally. SMS marketing is both practical and smart, changing how you grow your business.

Using SMS ensures quick delivery and efficiency, as your message can be sent instantly and reach customers’ phones within seconds. SMS is especially effective for advertising time-sensitive sales or special promotions exclusive to your mobile customers. We shall shed more light on SMS Marketing Statistics through this article.

Editor’s Choice

  • 97% of adults in the US have a mobile phone, with 85% of those being smartphones.
  • In 2023, there are 6.89 billion smartphones worldwide, and this number is expected to reach 7.86 billion by 2028.
  • 95% of text messages are read and replied to within 3 minutes of being received.
  • The average open rate for SMS campaigns is 98%, which is five times higher than email’s average open rate of 20%.
  • 45% of text messages get a response, which is eight times more than email’s response rate of 6%.
  • In 2024, 80% of businesses will use SMS marketing software to send texts to their customers, and nearly 70% will increase their SMS marketing budgets.
  • The average response time for SMS is 3 minutes, compared to 90 minutes for email.
  • 48% of customers prefer to receive communication from businesses via text messages.
  • The US SMS marketing market is expected to reach $12.6 billion by 2025, growing at an annual rate of 20.3%.
  • Consumers are most likely to sign up for texts from businesses in e-commerce/retail and healthcare.
  • As per SMS Marketing Statistics, one-third of messages sent to businesses do not get a reply due to a lack of two-way messaging.
  • Text messaging can enhance email marketing effectiveness. Research shows that sending a follow-up text asking, “Have you read our email?” can increase email open rates by 20–30%.
  • 75% of consumers would rather text customer support than use the phone or social media.
  • SMS marketing click-through rates for e-commerce can be as high as 36%.
  • 48% of consumers prefer direct communication from brands via SMS.
  • SMS has a 19% click-through rate (CTR), compared to 4% for emails and 1% for Facebook.
  • 90% of customers prefer receiving text messages over direct phone calls, as stated in SMS Marketing Statistics.

What is SMS Marketing?

SMS Marketing, or text message marketing, is a way for businesses and organizations to send promotional or transactional messages via text (SMS) to current and potential customers. These messages are highly targeted and based on customer consent and are used to share time-sensitive offers, promotions, coupons, updates, and alerts with people who have agreed to receive them. Each message is limited to 160 characters. 

Importance of SMS Marketing

It lets you reach a lot of people at once with a high conversion rate. Text messaging is a quick marketing tool that ensures your message gets to your audience at the right time. Since people always have their mobile phones with them, it’s an effective way to communicate. Many consumers think it’s a great method for businesses to grab their attention. By communicating with customers in the way they prefer, your business is more likely to get engagement and a response.

General SMS Marketing Statistics

  • The US SMS industry is expected to be worth $12.6 billion by 2025, making it one of the most popular communication channels.
  • The SMS market is predicted to grow at a rate of 20.3% per year until 2025.
  • Despite its high profitability, only 40% of businesses currently use SMS marketing.
  • In 2024, 80% of businesses will use SMS marketing software to send texts to their customers, and nearly 70% will increase their SMS marketing budgets.
  • SMS Marketing Statistics stated that businesses that use text messaging are 683% more likely to report success in digital marketing compared to those that don’t use it. (OR=6.83, Cl=11.82, 3.95)
  • SMS Marketing Statistics stated that almost 87% of businesses that use texting say their digital marketing is successful.
  • 91% of business owners and marketing managers say that including SMS in their marketing campaigns leads to higher conversion rates.
  • Nearly 65% of the global population sends and receives SMS so every business can reach about two-thirds of people worldwide.
  • Most businesses see an average click-through rate for SMS marketing between 21% and 35% and an average opt-out rate between 1% and 2%.



  • The above chart shows the global application-to-person SMS Revenue in billions of US dollars from 2020 to 2025.
  • In 2024, businesses primarily use SMS marketing for customer satisfaction surveys and customer service.
  • Businesses attribute 11-20% of their revenue to SMS marketing.
  • The SMS market is set to grow because the number of mobile users is expected to hit around 7.5 billion by 2025.
  • 81% of consumers check their text notifications within five minutes of receiving a message, and nearly 30% check within just 60 seconds as stated by SMS Marketing Statistics.
  • Over 90% of consumers text every day, and most check their messages more than ten times a day.
  • 80% of consumers say texting is the most important activity they do on their phones throughout the day.
  • In 2024, 79% of consumers opted in to receive texts from businesses, an 11% increase from the previous year.
  • 60% of consumers like being able to reply to business texts.
  • Most consumers currently receive texts from 1-3 businesses but are open to receiving texts from 4-6 businesses.
  • Consumers are most likely to sign up for texts from businesses in e-commerce/retail and healthcare.
  • The main reasons consumers sign up for business texts are appointment reminders, shipment tracking, promotions, and sale alerts.

Consumer Insights Concerning SMS Marketing

  • Nearly 30% of people look at their text notifications within just 60 seconds of receiving them, and an impressive 80% check within five minutes.
  • For those who take a bit longer, most are still fairly prompt. About 14% of people check their messages within 15 to 30 minutes.



  • This quick response is great for businesses using SMS, as it means your message is not only delivered but also seen and considered almost immediately.
  • In a world where people often skip YouTube ads, close pop-ups, and quickly scroll past social media posts, grabbing their attention can be tough.



  • 91% of consumers text every day, and 43% check their messages more than ten times a day.
  • For companies targeting younger audiences, it’s important to note that Gen Zers are very active with their texts and group chats. 48% of Gen Z check their messages more than ten times a day, and 25% check them more than 20 times a day.
  • On an average day, people are more likely to check their text messages than any other app on their phones. 80% of people say texting is their main mobile activity, beating out other popular apps like social media (68%), email (58%), news or entertainment (53%), and music or podcasts (51%).
  • In 2024, people prefer direct communication with businesses, as stated in SMS Marketing Statistics.
  • 79% of consumers have agreed to receive text messages from companies.
  • This is an increase from 71% in 2023, showing an 11% rise in people opting in for SMS marketing over the past year and a growing interest in text-based communication from brands.
  • SMS Marketing Statistics stated that more women (84%) have signed up for business texts than men (73%).
  • Gen Z is the most likely to subscribe to SMS marketing, with 85% currently opted in—19% more than last year.
  • In comparison, 78% of millennials and 81% of Gen Xers have opted in to receive texts.
  • Nobody wants to feel overwhelmed when it comes to how often they want to receive texts. Most SMS subscribers (48%) prefer getting texts from businesses every other week.
  • Following that, 36% want to get messages once a week, 10% prefer twice a week, and just 6% are okay with receiving texts three times a week or more.
  • Interestingly, even though more women sign up for business texts than men, men are more willing to get texts more often.
  • About 41% of men want to receive business texts once a week, compared to 32% of women.

SMS Marketing Effectiveness Statistics

  • The average click-through rate for SMS marketing is 19.3%, which is much higher than the 4.2% click rate for emails.
  • Using a bulk text messaging system can greatly boost click rates, making it a top choice for online lead generation.
  • Text message marketing campaigns have an average open rate of 98%, compared to just 20% for email marketing. This shows that people trust and prefer texts for receiving marketing offers.
  • SMS campaigns are also cheaper than many email campaigns and provide a better return on investment, according to SMS Marketing Statistics.



  • Text messaging gets six times more engagement than email.
  • SMS marketing has high read and open rates for promotional messages, while email open rates are around 20%.
  • Although most people have smartphones and are often online, emails can be slow to open, especially with attachments. Text messages are quick and don’t require a strong connection, making them more effective.
  • 96% of marketers using text messages say it helps them increase revenue. Nearly all marketers who use SMS for business report higher revenue, with almost 60% seeing significant gains.
  • SMS marketing is cost-effective and has high engagement, making it ideal for small businesses with limited budgets.
  • SMS Marketing Statistics stated that Research shows companies can earn up to $71 for every $1 spent on SMS marketing.



  • Half of consumers respond to a text within three minutes. People reply quickly to texts, unlike sales calls, which have a 15% conversion rate, and cold calls, which convert only 1% of leads.
  • This makes text messaging crucial for time-sensitive offers and events, such as limited-time sales, contests, or event registrations.
  • 66% of marketers are likely to use text marketing soon. More marketers are considering SMS because it is affordable and effective.
  • Of those, 66.2% are “very likely” or “likely” to start using SMS, while 18.3% are “unsure” and only 15.5% are “unlikely.”
  • More than 69% of consumers would interact with businesses via text message. People are accustomed to texting and want to interact with brands in the same way.
  • SMS Marketing Statistics stated that almost 70% of consumers would be likely to use SMS for customer service, and 24% would consider it. This suggests businesses should offer support through text.
  • 44% of companies using text message marketing need to become more familiar with the TCPA. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) of 1991 protects consumer privacy and limits telemarketing.



  • More than half of marketers have yet to send texts to customers who didn’t opt-in first. While most avoid unsolicited messages, 27% have sent promotional texts to people who didn’t sign up.
  • Text message marketing is most effective when customers have agreed to receive messages, and sending spam is illegal.
  • Special offers are the most common type of SMS campaign, according to SMS marketing statistics.
  • Marketers often use text messages to create urgency, with special offers like free shipping or limited-time sales being the most popular.
  • Other common messages include new product announcements and exclusive deals.
  • 58% of consumers think text messages are the best way for brands to communicate.



Very sophisticated 3.5%
Somewhat more sophisticated


Average sophisticated

Somewhat sophisticated


Somewhat unsophisticated



  • Most people find SMS to be the quickest and most convenient way for businesses to reach them.
  • 51% of marketers using text campaigns say they need to start using SMS to its full potential. Many marketers want to improve their SMS strategies but rate their skills as average.
  • Only 22.5% feel very confident in their SMS marketing. To fully benefit from SMS, marketers should align it with other marketing efforts and consider consulting experts.

SMS Open Rates Statistics

  • SMS messages have a very high open rate, between 95% and 99%, with an average of about 98%.
  • 91% of people worldwide have either signed up for SMS marketing or are interested in doing so.
  • SMS Marketing Statistics stated that around 63% of people engage with SMS offers at least twice a week.
  • Millennials are most likely to make a first purchase after receiving an SMS from a brand.



  • In the US, 68% of consumers have spent $50 or more through text messaging, and 22% have spent up to $500.
  • In the US, people who sign up for SMS campaigns are 87% more likely to make a purchase.
  • The likelihood is 80%, 82%, and 78%, respectively, in the UK, Australia, and Canada.
  • SMS is among the top three revenue-generating channels for marketers. For 22% of marketers, SMS accounts for over 20% of their total revenue.
  • When receiving a text from a brand, 64% of customers feel curious, 27% feel happy, and 23% feel excited. However, 17% feel anxious, and 15% feel annoyed.
  • Most customers prefer getting texts on weekdays between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm.
  • SMS Marketing Statistics stated that almost 30% of consumers are okay with receiving more than one text per day from brands.
  • SMS has high open rates and an average click-through rate (CTR) of 10.66%. SMS campaigns can boost order numbers by 23.8%.



SMS click-through rates

  • Apparel: 6.6% – 24.7%
  • Footwear: 8.5% – 31.7%
  • Health & Beauty: 5.8% – 27%
  • Home & Office: 7.6% – 26.8%
  • Children & Baby Apparel: 4.1% – 19.9%
  • Petcare: 4.8% – 20.6%
  • Jewelry & Accessories: 7% – 27%
  • Electronics: 6.9% – 30.5%
  • Sports & Fitness: 8.9% – 28.3%
  • Food & Beverage: 5.4% – 29.8%
  • Grocery: 6.9% – 35.8%
  • Restaurants: 5% – 30.4%
  • The average click-through rate (CTR) for SMS is much higher than for emails, which have an average CTR of 2.5%.
  • SMS marketing gets great responses, but timing is important.

Top Three Times to Send SMS Blasts:

  • Noon
  • 2:00 pm
  • 6:00 – 8:00 pm

Additional Recommended Times:

  • Thursday at 2:00 pm
  • Friday at noon
  • Saturday between 7:00 – 8:00 pm
  • Friday between 10:00 – 11:00 am
  • Thursday at 6:00 am
  • Saturday at noon
  • Tuesday at 2:00 pm
  • Tuesday at 6:30 pm
  • Thursday between 1:00 – 2:00 pm
  • Saturday at 10:00 am

SMS Vs. Email Marketing Statistics

  • Marketers believe that phone numbers and consent for SMS are ten times more valuable than email addresses. For example, 100,000 SMS subscribers are equivalent in value to 1,000,000 email addresses.
  • The average click-through rate (CTR) for SMS marketing messages is around 19.3%. This is significantly higher than email, where the typical CTR is only 4.2%. So, SMS has a 15% higher CTR compared to email.
  • Text messages have an impressive average open rate of up to 95%. In comparison, emails have an average open rate of about 21.33%. This shows that people are much more likely to open and read SMS compared to emails.
  • A study found that 65% of people receive up to 20 promotional emails daily. In contrast, only 5% of people get the same amount of brand text messages (11–20). Around 39% of SMS users receive fewer than one text message daily from a brand.
  • Only about 5% of SMS marketing subscribers opt out, a much higher retention rate than email, where over 20% of subscribers unsubscribe each year.
  • SMS Marketing Statistics stated that text messaging can enhance email marketing effectiveness. Research shows that sending a follow-up text asking, “Have you read our email?” can increase email open rates by 20–30%.
  • SMS marketing drives high engagement, with a response rate of 45%. This is much better than emails, which have an 8% response rate. For instance, Time Warner increased late bill collections by 49% after using SMS strategies.

Business SMS Marketing Statistics

  • Around the world, companies are forecasted to spend $50 billion on SMS messaging by 2025.
  • In 2020, 61% of businesses were expected to raise their budgets for text marketing.
  • The pandemic has led retailers to adjust their marketing investments. Spending on SMS marketing is expected to increase by 50%, while budgets for other marketing channels are likely to decrease.
  • Due to the impact of the pandemic, SMS marketing grew by 8.5% in March 2020 and 20% in April 2020.
  • SMS marketing is cheaper than other forms of advertising. It costs about $0.07 per message, while Google Search ads cost $1.39 per click, and LinkedIn ads cost $3.87 per click.
Average CPS/CPC Average CTR Average cost per 10,000 CPS/CPC
SMS(CPS) $0.069 10.91%


Google Display Ads (CPC)

$0.34 0.55% $3,400
Twitter (CPC) $0.40 1.33%


Facebook (CPC)

$0.62 1.34%


Instagram (CPC)

$0.81 0.62% $8,100
Google Search Ads (CPC) $1.39 2.65%


Bing Search Ads (CPC)

$1.67 3.14% $16,700
LinkedIn (CPC) $3.87 0.21%



  • In 2020, 68% of companies used SMS messaging in some way.
  • SMS messages get better response rates than emails and search ads. About 6.16% of people click a link in an SMS, compared to 2.8% for email and 1.98% for search ads.
  • Sending an SMS is, on average, 33% cheaper than sending MMS (multimedia) messages.
  • In the events and entertainment industry, according to SMS Marketing Statistics, people are five times more likely to click a link in an SMS message than in an email.
  • SMS links get clicked 12.96% of the time, while email links get clicked only 2.36% of the time.

Customers’ Expectations Regarding SMS From Brands

  • When given the choice between text messages, phone calls, and emails, most customers say they prefer text messages for quick communication.
  • According to a Klaviyo survey, 85% of people have recently received texts from brands, and most of them felt secure doing so.
  • When available, 52% of customers choose text messaging over other customer service options.
  • Even if businesses offer phone, email, and social media support, nearly one-third of customers think text-based support is an important option.
  • SMS Marketing Statistics stated that many customers are dissatisfied with current support methods, with over half feeling only ‘low’ to ‘fair’ satisfaction.



  • Nearly 47% think that texting could improve their overall satisfaction with customer support.
  • Customers are more likely to choose brands that communicate via text:
  • 60% prefer scheduling hair care appointments by text.
  • 65% would choose a financial service that sends text updates about accounts, bills, and payments.
  • SMS Marketing Statistics stated that almost 72% would book travel with a company that provides updates and reminders via text.
  • 70% would rather receive updates and instructions from a vacation rental manager by text.
  • 75% would select a rideshare service that texts them rather than calls when picking them up.
  • 61% would recommend these companies to their friends.



  • Most young customers say they’re likely to switch to a different provider if it offers text-based support.
  • Customers are more open to being contacted by unknown brands via text rather than a phone call.
  • About 46% of consumers would like the option to pay a business via text, as long as it’s secure.
  • Almost half of customers find it valuable to reply to brands via text. This supports the idea that the quality of marketing messages is more important than the quantity.
  • SMS Marketing Statistics state that customers are likely to sign up for SMS marketing if they receive messages about flash sales, time-sensitive promotions, back-in-stock alerts, or event reminders.

SMS Marketing in Business

  • 72% of consumers want multiple ways to contact brands. Text messaging can be an additional, direct communication option.
  • While most consumers prefer receiving texts, 18% also want an easy way to opt out if they choose. They trust brands that offer a simple opt-out option.
  • 58% of consumers consider factors beyond price when deciding where to spend their money. Convenience is the next most important factor.
  • Over 10% of consumers respond to SMS surveys within 6 minutes, as stated by SMS Marketing Statistics.
  • If you have a loyalty program, consider using text messaging to communicate. 38% of consumers would prefer to get loyalty messages this way.



  • 69% of customers want the option to reply when they receive a text from a business.
  • Consumers are 4.5% more likely to respond to text messages than phone calls or other methods of communication.
  • 75% to 78% of consumers prefer texting with a brand over talking to them.
  • 70% of smartphone users would rather have tech support or troubleshooting available via text messaging.
  • 77% of consumers would view a brand positively if it contacted them through text messaging.
  • 75% of people would feel frustrated or upset if they couldn’t reply to an email from a brand or business.
  • Links sent via text messages are opened 20% of the time.
  • SMS Marketing Statistics stated that links sent via email are opened only 4% of the time.
  • 93% of millennials use smartphones.
  • 95% of Gen-Z use smartphones.



  • Millennials and Gen-Z are increasing their spending faster than any other generation.
  • Special offers and coupons sent by text are redeemed 32% more often than those sent through other methods.
  • Few mass text messages are marked as spam, while nearly 50% of email marketing messages end up in junk mail.
  • 80% of consumers prefer to track their products using text messaging, as stated by SMS Marketing Statistics.
  • 75% of people find it useful to receive text reminders for appointments.
  • Other helpful texts include banking alerts (45%), travel updates (39%), deals and promotions (39%), and food delivery updates (36%).
  • Only 35% would like to receive appointment reminders via email.
  • Appointment reminders help reduce no-shows, saving time and money and leading to fewer lost sales.
  • The number of smartphone users is expected to grow to over 7 billion, as stated in SMS Marketing Statistics.
  • During the same period, the market for automation, including SMS marketing, is expected to reach over $83 billion.

Sales and Conversion through SMS Marketing Statistics

  • Text messages have a response rate eight times higher than emails—45% compared to just 6%.
  • More than half of all online purchases are now made on mobile devices, and this number is increasing.
  • 70% of smartphone users who bought something in a store first used their phone to get information about the purchase, as per SMS Marketing Statistics.
  • Over 50% of customers would rather text with customer support and prefer it as their main way to communicate.
  • Using text messages for support can cut the cost of a $20 support call down to just a few cents.



  • People now interact with brands on their phones twice as much as they do on other channels, such as TV, in-store, or direct mail.
  • Every time a customer has a great experience with a brand, it sets a higher expectation.
  • SMS marketing is a very effective and smooth way to connect with customers.
  • 72% of consumers are more likely to join a loyalty program if they are invited through a text message.
  • Mobile searches for “same-day shipping” have increased by over 120% since 2015 as per SMS Marketing Statistics.
  • In-store coupons that can be used immediately have a redemption rate of 78%.
  • Coupons that can be redeemed outside the store have a redemption rate of 30% to 50% and can drive more customers to your business.
  • Discounts sway 70% of shoppers, and 80% admit they have bought a product just because they received a coupon. Send your coupons via MMS with eye-catching images for better results.
  • 91% of smartphone users have bought or plan to buy something after seeing an ad they found relevant.
  • Delays on mobile can reduce conversion rates by up to 20%. To avoid frustration, speed up customer interactions with SMS 1-on-1 chats.
  • SMS has engagement rates 6 to 8 times higher than what retailers usually get with email marketing.
  • According to Open Market Research, which surveyed 100 US-based e-tailers, 71% of online retailers still need to meet consumer communication preferences.

Regional SMS Marketing Statistics

  • Ad spending in the global SMS advertising market is expected to hit $0.79 billion in 2024.
  • The market is predicted to grow at a rate of 1.95% annually from 2024 to 2029, reaching around $0.87 billion by 2029.



  • The United States is projected to lead in ad spending, with an expected $310.40 million in 2024.
  • On average, ad spending per person in SMS advertising is expected to be $0.10 in 2024.
  • Globally, the US is setting the pace in SMS advertising with its innovative approaches and high engagement rates, setting a benchmark for campaigns worldwide.

SMS Marketing – Africa

  • In Africa, ad spending on SMS advertising is expected to reach $7.11 million in 2024.
  • The market is predicted to grow at an annual rate of 1.47% from 2024 to 2029, reaching about $7.65 million by 2029.
  • The average ad spending per person in the SMS advertising market is forecasted to be $0.01 in 2024.
  • In Nigeria, SMS advertising is becoming more popular as businesses use it for its cost-effective and direct way to communicate with customers.

SMS Marketing – United States of America



  • Ad spending on SMS advertising in the Americas is expected to hit $360 million in 2024.
  • This spending is projected to grow at an annual rate of 1.61% from 2024 to 2029, reaching about $390 million by 2029.
  • The average amount spent per person on SMS advertising in the Americas is projected to be $0.35 in 2024.
  • In the competitive SMS advertising market in the United States, personalized and interactive campaigns are becoming more popular for engaging consumers.

SMS Marketing – Asia

  • Ad spending on SMS advertising in Asia is expected to reach $262.50 million in 2024.
  • The market is projected to grow at a rate of 2.61% annually from 2024 to 2029, leading to an estimated total of $298.60 million by 2029.
  • The average ad spending per person in Asia’s SMS advertising market is expected to be $0.06 in 2024.
  • In Asia, SMS advertising is booming, especially in China, thanks to widespread mobile phone use and a tech-savvy population.

SMS Marketing- Australia & Oceania

  • Ad spending on SMS advertising in Australia and Oceania is expected to hit $16.16 million in 2024.
  • The market is projected to grow very slowly, with an annual growth rate of just 0.01% from 2024 to 2029, leading to an estimated market size of $16.17 million by 2029.
  • In Australia and Oceania, the average per-person spending on SMS advertising is projected to be $0.37 in 2024.
  • Australia’s SMS advertising market is thriving as businesses use targeted campaigns to reach consumers effectively in the digital era.

SMS Marketing – Caribbean

  • In the Caribbean, ad spending on SMS marketing is expected to reach $1.26 million in 2024.
  • This market is likely to grow at an annual rate of **2.42%** from 2024 to 2029, reaching about **$1.42 million** by 2029.
  • Ad spending per person in the Caribbean SMS marketing market is expected to be $0.03 on average in 2024.
  • SMS advertising is becoming more popular in the Caribbean because many people in the region use mobile phones.

SMS Marketing- Europe

  • In Europe, spending on SMS advertising is forecasted to hit $148.60 million in 2024.
  • The market is expected to grow at an annual rate of 0.98% from 2024 to 2029, reaching about $156.00 million by 2029.
  • Ad spending per person in Europe for SMS advertising is expected to be $0.18 on average in 2024.
  • SMS advertising is becoming more popular in Europe because it’s cost-effective and targeted for businesses, especially in countries like the United Kingdom.

Benefits of Using SMS Marketing Software

Direct and Instant Communication

  • SMS marketing offers fast, direct communication with customers.
  • Text messages are typically read within minutes of being received.
  • This quick, two-way interaction matches how people use their phones, giving businesses a great way to connect with customers quickly and effectively.

High Engagement Rates

  • SMS messages get much higher engagement compared to emails or phone calls.
  • Text messages have a higher click-through rate than other marketing methods.
  • This high engagement is because mobile phones are always with us, and texting is a common and easy way to communicate.


  • SMS marketing is very cost-effective, especially when sending a large number of messages.
  • The low cost per SMS allows businesses to reach more people without overspending.
  • This is supported by data showing strong returns on investment for SMS marketing.

Increased Customer Retention

  • SMS marketing helps keep customers coming back with useful tools like appointment reminders and special offers.
  • Regular SMS messages keep your business top-of-mind for customers better than occasional sales calls or notifications.

Personalization and Targeted Marketing

  • SMS marketing allows for personalized and targeted messages.
  • Businesses can customize messages using real-time data, which leads to higher customer engagement.
  • SMS marketing automation tools can help send these personalized messages based on customer interactions.

Mobile-First Strategy Alignment

  • As more people use smartphones, having a mobile-first marketing strategy is crucial.
  • SMS marketing fits perfectly with this trend, especially when using leading SMS marketing platforms.
  • Following SMS marketing best practices helps businesses take advantage of the growing use of text messaging.

Integrability with Other Marketing Channels

  • SMS marketing works well with other marketing strategies. It can, for example, support social media campaigns by sending alerts about events or product launches.
  • SMS can also boost email marketing by reminding customers to check their emails, creating a unified marketing approach.

Wide Reach

  • SMS marketing is effective because almost everyone has a mobile phone and uses SMS.
  • Unlike email or social media, SMS doesn’t need internet access and reaches a broad audience, including those with basic phones.

Real-Time Analytics

  • SMS marketing provides real-time data on how well your messages are performing.
  • With the right SMS marketing software, businesses can track delivery rates and click-through rates.
  • This instant feedback helps improve marketing efforts and shows that SMS often has a higher click-through rate than other channels.

Enhanced Customer Experience

  • Businesses can improve customer interactions by using top SMS marketing platforms and automation tools.
  • Sending appointment reminders, order updates, and personalized offers keeps customers informed and engaged, creating a more personal and engaging experience than traditional cold calls.


Texting is a major part of our daily lives and is still the leading way people communicate. If you aren’t using SMS in your customer communications yet, start. In 2023, SMS marketing is still a very effective way for US businesses to connect with their customers directly. To get the best results from SMS marketing, it’s important to analyze your campaign data carefully. By looking at how well your messages are performing and how users are engaging, businesses can improve their messages to make them more appealing and relevant to their audience.

Barry Elad
Barry Elad

Barry loves technology and enjoys researching different tech topics in detail. He collects important statistics and facts to help others. Barry is especially interested in understanding software and writing content that shows its benefits. In his free time, he likes to try out new healthy recipes, practice yoga, meditate, or take nature walks with his child.

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