
The Debut of Britain’s Inaugural Jewish Pantomime: My Inspiration


The First Professional Jewish Pantomime in the UK: Celebrating British Jewish Culture

Creating the first professional Jewish pantomime in the UK was a deeply personal and important endeavor. With the rise of antisemitism, it became more crucial than ever to come together and celebrate the beauty and uniqueness of British Jewish culture. This pantomime aimed to reflect the world and people that Jewish families know, while also transporting them to a magical “Kosher Kingdom” filled with familiar yet whimsical characters. As the writer, I delighted in infusing the script with Jewish jokes, Yiddish phrases, and religious references, ensuring that the distinct Heimish feel of the panto was prevalent throughout.

Celebrating Jewish Identity

At the heart of the pantomime was the celebration of Jewish identity. Through the characters, storyline, and script, I aimed to provide a space where Jewish families could see themselves reflected on stage. The pantomime incorporated Jewish nuances, inside jokes, and cultural references, creating a sense of belonging and pride in one’s heritage.

Engaging and Entertaining Performances

The pantomime promised a delightful and entertaining experience for the audience. With the talented cast, including the fantastic Debbie Chazen, each character came to life with depth and humor. The incorporation of interactive theatre elements allowed for engagement with the audience, promising an immersive and unforgettable experience.

Reviving Familiar Tunes with a Jewish Twist

The music in the pantomime played a pivotal role in setting the tone and enhancing the overall experience. We took songs previously made famous by Jewish artists and infused them with a fresh twist, creating vibrant klezmer tunes that perfectly complemented the narrative. From reimagining hits by artists like Dead or Alive and Amy Winehouse to incorporating Yiddish phrases, the music added an extra layer of joy and familiarity to the production.

A Unifying and Cathartic Experience

Ultimately, the pantomime aimed to bring people together and provide a moment of communal catharsis. Regardless of ethnicity or religion, the pantomime invited all to join in the celebration. With opportunities for shouting, screaming, and laughter, the show promised to be a memorable experience for every generation, embracing the cherished tradition of pantomime.


Micheal Kurt

I earned a bachelor's degree in exercise and sport science from Oregon State University. He is an avid sports lover who enjoys tennis, football, and a variety of other activities. He is from Tucson, Arizona, and is a huge Cardinals supporter.

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